At Somerset Sight we rely enormously on fundraising and individual donations to continue our vital work.
Community Fundraising is a big part of our work at Somerset Sight and we love attending events across the county.
How you can help us:
How about organising a coffee morning at home or at your workplace. Or even a blindfolded tasting evening?
How about taking on an exciting sponsored challenge?
What about nominating us for fundraising at your workplace or school?
Corporate Fundraising
A great partnership also has the potential to make customers feel good about the company and can boost customer loyalty. It can also enhance morale amongst staff through team building, volunteering, developing skills and generally coming together for a really good cause.
Adopting Somerset Sight as your charity of the year is a great way to support Somerset’s charity for sight impaired people whilst promoting your business and motivating your staff.
Your support would help us to:
• Raise much needed income for our vital services in Somerset
• Improve awareness of our charitable activities
• Enhance our reputation and yours
• Attract positive PR
Choose us as your charity of the year and we’ll work with you to bring your company benefits too. Local papers and radio stations love good local fundraising stories. We will work with you to ensure maximum publicity is achieved for your activities.
If you would like to get involved, please call us on 01823 333818